10041 SW Wilsonville Rd
Wilsonville, OR 97070
ph: (503) 682-2655

Office: M-F 10AM-5:30PM, Sat 9AM-5PM / Access: 7AM-8PM Everyday

Serving the community for over a quarter century.

Contact Wilsonville Storage

DSC01011 1Feel free to use the address, phone number email or forms below to contact us. We'd love to hear from you.

10041 SW Wilsonville Rd
Wilsonville, OR 97070
ph: (503) 682-2655

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri 10AM-5:30PM
Sat 9AM-5PM
Access Hours: 7AM-8PM

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Contact Us

Leave Us a Suggestion

Feel free to leave us a suggestion using our form below. Your suggestion will go directly to the owners. You can give us your contact information or make your suggestion anonymously.

Please Note that the form below is not to be used for regular correspondence with our staff. Messages received through the suggestion form below will not result in replies and as such the form (below) should not be used in place of the regular contact form (above).


Reserve from Our Available Spaces

5x5 Reserve Today!
5x6 Reserve Today!
10x5 Reserve Today!
10x10 Reserve Today!
10x20 Reserve Today!
4x6 Available: 04-01-2025
10x5 Deluxe unit Available: 04-01-2025

Security is Paramount

No Stairs Here!

Boats, Cars and RVs too!